《吸气 - 吐气》刘小累个展
从单头的意式机出品一杯黑咖啡,再给它打上奶泡。家里的条件有限,技术也尚未纯熟,艺术家听着散步时记录下来的白噪音,准备进入一段创作。工作室是家里的一个房间,表面上是属于艺术家的一隅,但貌似她的5岁儿子和老公也会时不时占领这个小房间,进行自己的抽象涂鸦或弹唱一曲乌克丽丽。 现在工作室外面,传来了孩子的喧哗,家里那条黑狗好像又开始搞破坏了........
散步时刻Gallery 开幕以来的第二个展览,将进行《吸气吐气/take a deep breath》刘小累个人作品展。此次,我们将展示艺术家在100天持续创作状态下所产出的约40幅纸本绘画作品。在创作的进程中,她保留即兴,维持松弛,作品也随之变得更“轻”更“薄”,没有负担。
吸气——吐气——take a deep breath。
“Take a deep breath” Liu Xiao Lei Solo Exhibition
The art of making cappuccino at home, brewing the black coffee and adding the milk foam, limited conditions combined with scratchy technique, with some persistence, Liu somewhat manages a homemade version of the “real thing”. Putting on some white noise recorded during a regular walk, she gets ready to enter a period of creation. Her studio is a room in her home, originally a corner set out exclusively for herself. But it seems her husband and 5-year-old son have began to occupy the studio from time to time, beating out a tune with the ukulele, scribbling some form of abstract graffiti art. (p.s. His mini exhibition is held next door, concurrent to her mother’s ). Outside the studio, there seems to be some noise and ruckus, a distant outburst of a five year old child, and the black dog in the house seems to be dismantling something again.
It is often said that the inspirations of art lies within the moments of daily life. Away from the altars of contemporary art, returning to the day-to-day. Her days are filled with painting and typing away on the computer keyboard. She works toward recording life’s individual moments, putting together a part fiction, part reality sort of fairy tale.
“Take a deep breath” Liu Xiao Lei’s solo exhibition will be the second exhibition at the Champochic Gallery, since its opening in September this year. This time, we will show approximately 40 paintings produced by the artist in a state of continuous creation for 100 days. In this process, she embraced a relaxed attitude and retained the spirit of improvisation, subsequently the work became “lighter” and “thinner”, rid of all burden.
Liu Xiao Lei announces herself as a freelance illustrator and zine-maker, a true creator, freely painting away, carrying none of the weight and shackles bestow upon the title of an “artist”. Her work mainly revolves around different forms of painting, these pieces work intimately together with her works of literature and writing. An exploration of lines and simple colors, her paintings are comfortable and full of confidence. There isn’t a lot of “concept” in her method, just the observation and extraction of people, animals and things in the daily life. From this perspective, she plants her seeds of small ideas that grow into extraordinarily large worlds.
In the paint strokes of different artists, inspired by a thought, or perhaps an emotion, the attempt for artistic creation, lacks no interference and noise. Facing the “blank canvas”, some treat painting like a pleasant outdoor walk, while for some, it’s more often like an ambitious climb.
Take a deep breath.....
With a casual but focused mentality, in Liu’s state of mind, the painting “exercise” is one that may be as important as walking and breathing. As an artist, Liu works a kind of magic that kneads the realities of this world into her own fantasy, inviting you to awaken your imagination.
In addition to the 40 paintings exhibited, the artist has been given “free canvas” areas as well as the windows of the gallery to freely explore. With this, Liu will spread her ideas and creations without restriction. Furthermore, in different corners of the exhibition, the audience will find some of her daily and not yet reorganized writing, as well as her artist books and zines.